2022: Apocalypse Now

I feel a heavy shift in energy this year. Something bigger than I’ve ever felt before. It has intensified noticeably for several years now. Something is coming and it might be this year. One thing is for certain: shit’s getting real. I can’t even begin … Continue reading2022: Apocalypse Now

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday

Sawyer Yards Second Saturday

WINTER STREET STUDIOS – STUDIO B8 – FIRST FLOOR – ENTRANCE B Spend the afternoon wandering through Sawyer Yards’ six studio buildings and discover an extensive selection of painting, sculpture, jewelry, photography, clothing, mixed media and more. Meet some of the 350+ artists, learn about … Continue readingSawyer Yards Second Saturday