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point 506
Latest Past Events
π (Pi) Day Celebration 2019
Vincent Fink Art/ Point506 2101 Winter St. #B8, HoustonWe love pizza, we got π shirts, we just need you! If you're in the area and want to have a Pi Day celebration with us, we're going to order some pizza from none other than Pi Pizza, have a few cold ones, and watch/talk through … Continue readingπ (Pi) Day Celebration 2019
5th Sun Cycle/Winter Release Anniversary Party
Winter Street Studios 2101 Winter Street, HoustonPoint 506 announces it's 5th Sun Cycle Anniversary Party on December 9th 6-11pm in celebration of their 2016 winter line release at none other than Winter St. Studio B8. A perfect last-minute shop-drop-and-liftoff before the holidays, this event promises to be filled with intriguing visuals, … Continue reading5th Sun Cycle/Winter Release Anniversary Party