White Linen Night in the Heights

The Heights 540 W 19th St, Houston, United States

Local Business. Local Artists. Local Fun! Join us for the 10th Annual White Linen Night in The Heights, the white hot party of the summer. Join us all over the Greater Heights neighborhood for open houses at you favorite local businesses where you see a … Continue readingWhite Linen Night in the Heights

Winter Street Open Studios

September 12 @ 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Join me for our monthly open studios. Winter Street Studios – Studio B8

Bayou City Art Festival Downtown

Downtown Houston 901 Bagby St , Houston, TX, United States

10am - 6pm Saturday & Sunday, October 8th - 9th, 2016 Over 300 Artists working in 19 different mediums, Non-Profits, Music, Food, Beverages, Creative Zones in Downtown Houston! Celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the Bayou City Art Festival! As we host 300 artists in 19 … Continue readingBayou City Art Festival Downtown