Can you believe it? It’s been 5 years since a lucid dream changed the course of my life.
4 years since I left the day job to do my own art and freelance 24/7.
It’s been the roughest 4 years of my life, and I don’t regret any of it. You know why?
Cause I knew that this year was coming.
Now I have everything in place. Multiple professional portfolios at the ready…
My goal for this year:
Make more money doing less work.
I have worked day and night mostly because that is what I want to do, but there’s also a fear that I might not create enough art to sell to pay each month’s rent and expenses. This year I am no longer worried. (Mostly because I spent a few years like that only to realize I would always find a way.) I’m going to work smarter and find ways to make art work for me. It’s working out great so far… The hardest part is learning to let go of stress. I realized that stress has actually become a part of my common workflow. I’m always stressing about how long I spend on a piece. This has got to stop. Although I must clock my hours to know what each artwork is truly worth, and racing the clock has proven to push me to unimaginable abilities, it cannot dictate a cut-off any sooner than the point of perfection.
That’s it though. I mean, sure I still want to go to the gym more, and wake up earlier, eat more healthy and all that good stuff, but really, this year is about actualizing the final stage of my Metamorphosis growth. At some point this year, the adult beetle shall resurrect from the pupal tomb and stretch his wings, and fly! For me, this means, I’m now at a level of confidence where nothing can stop me. Its time to stop saying SOON and have it NOW. At least start living like I have it now, and let the universe fill in the blanks.
With that in mind, I found that everything is happening at the exact pace that I can handle it and that’s why it’s going at the pace it’s at. It is me who’s running the show of this life, so I know it can happen a lot more NOW than I psych myself into thinking. I’m going to live comfortably and give my girlfriend everything she wants and deserves. And me? I’m going to travel the world with my band on the Atlas Wings of Creation.
Enjoy the ride…